New York City (Mike Walsh 2016)

Virtual reality, the history of pinball and why sex robots won’t save the Singularity

An interview with Seth Porges, pop culturist

Mike Walsh
Between Worlds
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2016


I met Seth Porges at this secret, underground gathering of thinkers in New York, known as ‘The Influencers’, organised by Jon Levy, where he was giving a disturbingly funny talk entitled ‘you can tell a lot about a man by the sex bot he makes for himself.’

Seth Porges is a journalist covering a wide range of topics from pop culture to emerging technologies. He has written for everyone from TechCrunch to Maxim, and is a regular commentator on numerous televisions shows on the National Geographic, Discovery and History channels.

I probably should have asked more about the obscure reference in his Wikipedia profile about his work as a test pilot on the maiden voyage of an experimental pulse jet-powered carousel, but we ran out of time talking about why pinball was once a moral hazard in New York City, the challenges of translating social interactions in virtual reality and the future of robotics.

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Author of 'Futuretainment', keynote speaker and futurist. Passionate about designing companies for the 21st century. Traveling the world looking for patterns.